A hiring mistake can cost your company the annual salary of the candidate
Recruitment leaders like you have often told us that traditional hiring methods frequently prove irrelevant, untrustworthy, and lacking accountability — especially when filling skilled positions.
These issues lead to irrelevant applications, wasted interview time, and distraction to managers.
Current referral programs are ineffective due to low incentives and lack of transparent reward systems for referrers.
As a result a hiring mistake can cost a company up to a full year's salary and leave candidates frustrated and burnt out.
WIP is your partner in smarter hiring
WIP (Work Identity Protocol) is a community-driven recruitment platform that minimizes hiring time and errors using the unique blend of Web3-tech, behavioral and monetary incentives for companies & talents
Initially*, we focus on enhancing referrer accountability and building an effective referral system through significant rewards for successful hires.
Clear benefits for Employers:
Efficiency for Recruiters Through Paid Job Applications
- WIP requires to stake real money upon job applications which ensures a smaller pool of highly qualified, confident, and responsible candidates.
Minimize Hiring Risks with Trustworthy Referrals
- A wide professional network is incentivized to expand your talent pool, as they have an opportunity to earn significantly with successful placements.
- Mandatory free-of-charge KYC check for every user on WIP.
Cost-Effective Way to Hire the Best
- WIP charges its fees upon successful hire.
- There's no need to search for candidates. You simply post a vacancy, set a reward, and get candidates referred by a network of other professionals.
- Use WIP instead of an internal referral program. Pay no maintenance fee and set special bounties for your employees' referrals with the lowest commission possible**.
WIP Effect — relevant & fast hiring pipeline
Instead of hundreds, WIP will provide you with a dozen highly relevant candidates, most of whom will be referred by other professionals.
Get started easily
- Provide us with a list of jobs you’d like to post and links to the job descriptions. We will handle the posting for you.
- Set the success fee with a simple letter of terms acceptance:
- No upfront payments of any kind**.
- You pay only a success fee: ~10% (usually 13%-15%) of the hire's annual salary.
- Get lifetime perks for early believers.
💸 Ready to wip up your hiring process?
Click to e-mail us or schedule an intro call
🚧 WIP is in prototype mode 🛠️ 🪚
* Our roadmap includes developing a comprehensive Work Identity for candidates, ATS integrations, and many other features. However, for now we are focusing on the most essential features.
** For early clients we have eliminated most of the planned fees.